I think Warner Brothers would choose to make our film. I think that it is an original idea and is something that the studio has not done before, but it is also quite similar to a number of films that they have produced which shows that they would like to produce it because it is along similar lines to films that they have produced before.
Warner Brother Ethos:
"Warner Bros. Entertainment has been entertaining global audiences for more than 85 years and strives to be a responsible and active corporate citizen. We recognize that our company is an influential member of society, and we seek to have a positive impact on our employees, audiences and communities worldwide."
They also state that creativity is one of the key areas of the institution and say that they make sure their films are; "Supporting the production of and access to diverse content for worldwide audiences."
Source: http://www.warnerbros.com/studio/about/responsibility
I think our film fits very well into the ethos of the institution as it is a creative and imaginative idea that would have a positive impact on the people that watched it.

An excellent post. You clearly display your research into your chosen institution. You have also presented your research in a visual post. You could develop further upon how the studio would help your thriller, but overall an excellent post.